

View, ask or reply to questions on Wift. Our FAQ community can help!

Suggested For you

  • How Wift works?

    It’s an easy 3 step process:

    1. Register on our App

    2. Find Jobs which you will be good at it

    3. Fix an Interview as per your convenience

    Leave the rest to our AI engine and get the closest job opportunities.

  • What are different actions used in Wift?

    1. Like – Apply for the job.

    2. Park – Save the job for future application.

    3. Delete – Not Interested in particular job.

    4. Matched – Both You and Company have shown mutual interest in particular job profile.

    5. Employers like you – Employers has shown interest in your profile for particular job role.

  • In which cities does Wift provides jobs?

    WIFT operates in India right now. Currently We may not have jobs available in your area right now, but we’re expanding fast. So please create your profile so that you can be updated when jobs are available in your area.

  • What kind of jobs will I find on Wift?

    We cater to jobs at all levels of an organization. From Startups, SMEs to Corporates you can find jobs from different kind of employers.

  • I want a job in a specific job role or field. Is there a vacancy for me?

    On our home screen, you can see a list of standard job roles we have. We get 100s of new job listings every day. If you don’t find a suitable job, don’t get disheartened. Complete your profile and we will notify you about new jobs that matches your eligibility and interests

  • Who is Sophia?

    We have Built integrated AI called Sophia to guide you through in each and every step of the Wift. Simply chat with Sophia, get all your queries resolved.

  • How do I ask for help if I’m stuck while using the WIFT app?

    Please click on the chat on your screen and start an online chat with Sophia.

  • Can I apply for jobs directly or have my interviews scheduled without creating a profile?

    You need to create your profile in few seconds in order for you to apply for the jobs.

  • How do I delete my Profile?

    We recommend not to delete your profile since opportunity can knock your door anytime. If you still want to delete your profile please send account details on support@thewift.com.

  • Can I share job with others?

    Yes. Sharing is easy. Click on share icon and Share it with your friends and colleagues.

  • I still have a question, what do I do?

    If you have a question that is not answered above, please send us an email on support@thewift.com. We shall get in touch with you.

Suggested For you

  • How Wift works?

    Hiring is swift with us. Just follow these steps:

    1. Register

    2. Fill up few fields in just 45 seconds

    Leave the rest to our AI engine and get the closest prospects.

  • What are different actions used in Wift?

    • Like – Shortlist the candidate for posted job

    • Park – Save candidate for future reference

    • Delete – Not Interested in candidate’s profile

    • Matched – Both Candidate and You have shown interest in particular posted job.

    • Candidates like you – Candidates has shown interest in your posted job.

  • In which cities does Wift offer hiring solutions currently?

    Wift offers hiring solutions in India but we’re expanding fast and reach to new cities in coming months.

  • How does Wift source Candidates?

    We have a dedicated team specialized in sourcing the best candidates. The sourcing channels used by us are:

    1. 500 + Certified Agencies and Consultancies

    2. 250 + Reputed Training Institutes

    3. 100 + Colleges

    4. Rural Urban Integration Program

    5. Field HR Recruiters

    6. Online Marketing

  • Who is Sophia?

    We have Built integrated AI called Sophia to guide you through in each and every step of the Wift. Simply chat with Sophia and get all your query resolved.

  • What is the Job Approval Process?

    • If you are an approved employer you can post job in minutes.

    • If not, connect to our sales team to get yourself approved at recruiter@thewift.com.

  • Why is the job I posted not approved yet?

    This could be due to high volume of jobs posted on the WIFT platform. Please give us 24 hours to review your job post. If it isn’t approved, please send an email to recruiter@thewift.com.

  • When will I start receiving Candidate applications?

    A job posting shall start receiving applications once it’s been approved by our Recruiter Team. A job posting is generally approved within 24 hours.

  • How does Wift ensure that only Candidates matching my job criteria are shown in listing?

    Our algorithm filters through our database to select and display only the Candidates matching your job requirement and skills, making the whole process quick, easy and convenient.

  • What can I do to improve the incoming applications?

    If you want to increase the number of candidate applications for your job post, try relaxing the requirement for

    1. Skills

    2. Location

    3. Work experience

    You will see an immediate increase in candidate applications!

  • I cannot see enough candidate recommendations for my job posting, what do I do?

    This probably means that we don’t have a candidate matching your exact requirements at this time. We are always increasing our candidate pool to provide you with better recommendations. Send us an email on recruiter@thewift.com and we will look into alternate sourcing avenues. Meanwhile, you can also relax the criteria for your job posting to increase recommendations.

  • How can I delete the job?

    If particular job posting is closed then u can make job as inactive or delete the job through posted jobs screen. All the matched prospects and contact details will be deleted in case of permanent deletion of job.

  • I still have a question, what do I do?

    If you have a question that is not answered above, please send us an email on recruiter@thewift.com. We shall get in touch with you.


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